The XX

September 1, 2009

No, it’s not a porn site, but UK Band The XX still might give you eargasms.


As far as non-verbal communication goes, you can’t do much better than dancing. And no one knows that better than Calvin Harris. In partnership with Sony Music UK and Bare conductive body ink, the electronic musician turned 15 bikini-clad ladies into human synthesizers. 

Capable of playing Harris’s track “Ready For The Weekend” though Max/MSP and Ableton Live, I’m not entirely sure what that even means so I’ve posted the making of video as well. 

via Engadget

Wow! Either the mushrooms in my breakfast omelette weren’t cooked properly or Linden Gledhill, a biochemist/photographer is a genius. He created these amazing paint splashes using sound waves.

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Picture 1

via notcot

Sour / Hibi no Neiro

July 7, 2009

My Japanese isn’t great, but I’m pretty sure that in this music video for the band Sour, they’re singing about how ridiculously awesome their clip is. Directed by Masashi Kawamura + Hal Kirkland + Magico Nakamura + Masayoshi Nakamura from Good General, it was all shot using the Macbook Pro webcams of the band’s fanbase around the world. Now that’s collaboration.

via boooooom

B Minor

June 1, 2009

In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project created by Darren Solomon. Videos of different people playing various instruments in B Minor can be played simultaneously and yet the soundtracks will still work together.

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