Design You Trust

November 19, 2010

We like this website. So why not pay it a visit now and then.


November 5, 2010

This short doco is about how trends and creativity become contagious. Check it out here.

Timely message from Blu

August 2, 2010

Nice piece from Berlin based street artist, Blu.

via notcot

Movies, magazines and even burritos seem to be jumping on the 3D bandwagon these days. But I think it’s safe to say that  even James Cameron is sick of  the trend. Having said that, Italian graffiti artist Peeta has been creating three-dimensional graffiti for years and I for one would be happy if he kept it up for a few more.

A burnt ice-cream van is among 100 works that Banksy has installed at Bristol’s museum, replacing many of the museum’s regular artifacts. According to the BBC, Banksy was quoted as saying, “This is the first show I’ve ever done where taxpayers’ money is being used to hang my pictures up rather than scrape them off.” 




Via woostercollective

Just saw these heaps good wheatpastes on Castlereagh St.

